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General Hire

We are delighted to have wonderful facilities available for hire (click to view a map). To submit an application for hire, complete the form below. 

Please note that hire of all ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ facilities is subject to the Community Use of School Facilities Terms and Conditions.

For more information or to enquire about the use of spaces not listed on the form below, email or phone 08 8272 0444.

Chapel Hire for Weddings

If you would like to enquire about utilising the College Chapel for a wedding, please view our Regulations for the Hire of the ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Chapel for Weddings. Rather than completing the Application for Hire form below, please contact the Facilities Coordinator via email or phone 08 8272 0444 to discuss.

Application for Hire

Hirer Contact Information
Hirer Name
Hirer Address
Hire Information
Times and use of Facilities for Term of Agreement

The Hirer hires the following Facilities during the following hours of use and frequency of use:

Select from the list below

(e.g. Rooms)

Equipment Requirements


(From – To)

(e.g. 1st Tuesday of each month)

Will you or your organisation be charging an entrance fee? 

If the areas above do not provide enough room for information, please add any further details below.

The Term of the Agreement shall be between the dates listed below or until terminated pursuant to clause 9 of the Community Use of School Facilities Terms and Conditions. [NOTE: Term must not exceed one (1) year]
Terms and Conditions
Hire of ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ facilities is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined by ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Inc. (click to view).